
Pia Röttgers

Bachelor Communication Design

With design, I want to draw attention to political and feminist issues that do not get enough attention. I am inspired by the exchange with curious and open-minded people, often beyond the sphere of design. Because design should not only make sense in the mind of a designer.


The mobile toilet for everyone

Everyone has to go to the toilet. Often shameful, it is a basic need that everyone of us knows. Especially in urban areas, there is often a lack of public toilets. And peeing in the wild is not only illegal (!) but also not an option for many people.

KloMo is a mobile toilet on a bicycle trailer, which is intended to simplify the planning of events for small projects and make them more independent of public infrastructure. KloMo wants to offer mobile and affordable sanitation to enable more incloosivity.

You can borrow KloMo, take it by bike to the desired location, set it up and use it. And since this is a lot of information and a lot of to do’s, we made borrowing it as comprehensible as possible. “How To KloMo” summarizes all of your concerns and shows step by step how the toilet is set up and why we should talk more about shit.


In collaboration with Lennart Wolf

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Daniel Braun
  • Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des.in Elisabeth Schwarz