
Anna Kaufmann

Bachelor Communication Design

Design influences the way we perceive the world around us. My calling as a designer is to inform people and to evoke emotions by my work. In doing so, I let myself be carried by the continuous growth and change of design and inspired by the little things in life.

The yellow-purple empathy

Chronically ill ‒ but not alone: A guide for family members and friends

In Germany, 40% of the population are affected by chronic illnesses. Endometriosis and fibromyalgia are only two examples that severely restrict the daily lives of those who suffer. Even though the pain and the symptoms are only felt by the patients, their families and partners are also affected. They of course want to help although they know that there is no cure. Families and partners make an effort to show empathy when pain impairs the mood. With my project, I intend to raise awareness for these diseases and offer assistance to family members and friends on how to best support their loved ones.

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
  • Second Examiner: Elisabeth Schwarz