
Fidelia Schlegl

Bachelor Illustration

I like drawing comics (sometimes I don’t like drawing comics, but then I draw them anyway). Even though it’s super hard to be really good at it, I like the general accessibility of the medium: the fact that you can communicate with only a small budget or little experience complex ideas.

A comic about water

My work is a metaphorical exploration of various emotions and developed from my interest in the way how people feel and how they deal with these feelings in different ways.

The comic is about being emotionally overwhelmed, crying in inappropriate places, wanting to cry and not being able to, love, break-up, friendship. It’s about how connecting with other people can be something that makes the world seem a little less cruel. It’s also about water.

On a visual level, I’m investigating the area in between readability and openness to interpretation: how concrete do I have to be and how vague can I leave the story? The process has been a difficult exploration of these questions, consisting of countless failed attempts, experiments, and a few successes.

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Felix Scheinberger
  • Second Examiner: Elisabeth Schwarz