Hannah Judith

Hannah Judith Weber

Bachelor Product Design

Es motiviert mich, mich für Barrierefreiheit sowie Inklusion einzusetzen und gleichzeitig mehr über die jeweiligen Zielgruppen zu erfahren. 

Project Title: Signal Conversion Systems for Hearing-Impaired Individuals

Complete set of mobile and stationary signal conversion systems for people with hearing impairment, transforming acoustic signals (smoke alarms, telephone, doorbell) into visual and tactile stimuli

In Germany and several other countries, smoke detectors are mandatory in all self-occupied and rented apartments and houses. But what does this smoke detector requirement mean for deaf individuals? As part of my bachelor thesis, I have designed a complete set that provides optimal protection for people with hearing impairment both at home and while traveling.

The mobile travel device recognizes acoustic alarm signals and converts them into bright light flashes and vibrations to wake up the user while they are asleep. It is integrated into a modular, space-saving alarm clock, eliminating the need for an additional device and maximum comfort during transport on a journey is guaranteed. The design of each components fits together, and the usage is designed to be as simple as possible.

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Steffen Schulz
  • Second Examiner: Prof. Wenzel S. Spingler