
Jana Vogt

Bachelor Communication Design

As an anthropologist and designer, I aspire to create spaces for humanity and inter-humanity. I try to explore how mankind gives meaning to the world in its complexity and I ask: How can we find social and composite forms that hold transformative potential?


A round table about cultural work

The symposium is a table talk, a playful exchange about the value of cultural work. It is a literary buffet of facts, personal hopes, and concerns of cultural workers. Coming from different places, yet sitting at the same table, those working in culture negotiate realities, share and listen, and feel a sense of belonging. Can this practice, and the feeling it creates for the fictional guests and readers, give rise to a better understanding and appreciation of the process behind cultural production? In my creative process, I combine ethnographic and creative methods. I have organised real voices from the cultural sector in a fictional way on paper and formulated prominent common demands and messages. The table setting is both an invitation and a call: to enter into conversation about what culture creates and what we could create together; to value the efforts it takes to cultivate occasions for encounter, for collective and sensual consumption.

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
  • Second Examiner: Hendrik Otremba M.A.