Bachelor Illustration
As illustrator and daughter of a bookseller I want to create pictures that create a certain atmosphere while reading the story. I’ve always been a storyteller and now I tell stories not just with words but with pictures as well. What more could one want?
- Mail: katharina-hoehne@web.de
- Website: themintkitten.myportfolio.com
- Project Page: twitch.tv/themintkitten
- Instagram: themintkitten
- Twitter: themintkitten
Bruno Schulz – The Cinnamon Shops
A classic wrongly forgotten
Bruno Schulz’s book „The Cinnamon Shops“ tells the reader about the author’s childhood in a small Jewish Shtetl in Galicia through the eyes of phantastic childishness. The result is a poetical-magical snapshot that merges reality and phantasy.
When you’ve loved books since your childhood, you hate it when good books and stories sink into oblivion. “The Cinnamon Shops” is a book that today is even unknown to my mother’s colleagues, who are all selling books for their whole lives. That’s why it was my concern to breathe new life into this book, because these beautiful, almost lyrical stories create pictures by words that deserve to be seen. I hope to bring this world closer to people and renew the interest in classical literature with this project.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Felix Scheinberger
- Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des.in Elisabeth Schwarz