
Louisa Fuhrmann

Bachelor Illustration

In my eyes, design means enriching, creating awareness, pursuing and questioning meaning and an achievable ideal because as designers we bear a collective responsibility.

I find inspiration in things that seem so inconspicuous, in nature, art, but also in the exchange with like-minded people.

A shiny trio

The history of knife, spoon and fork

In our rapidly moving world, where we all consume without stopping and often without thinking, we often forget the little things that surround us, accompany us, support us day in and day out. In doing so, we deprive ourselves of the chance to experience new, interesting and undiscovered things. With my project “A shiny trio” I put such everyday objects in the focus, namely our cutlery, comprising knife, spoon and fork. Why do we actually eat with cutlery and where do these utensils come from? In a humorous style, anecdotes meet historical facts, accompanied by loose, sketchy illustrations. For this was not intended to be a dry, cautionary tome, but rather a motivation to pause and remember all the objects we take so much for granted in our everyday lives, and to show them more appreciation in the future. They all have a story to tell, we just need to question and listen to them.

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Felix Scheinberger
  • Second Examiner: Prof.in Dipl.-Des. Cordula Hesselbarth