
Marta Hillar

Bachelor Media Design

As a designer, I create captivating stories using visual techniques and storytelling to make complex emotions understandable and relatable. My goal is to inspire readers and viewers, generating a lasting impact by connecting imagery with emotions.

Falling through

A Graphic novel exploring emotional intelligence and challenging societal norms

“Falling through” is a captivating graphic novel about pain, identity, and societal dynamics. Readers are taken on a journey through a phase of our main character’s life as they are looking for solutions and discover their desires and needs. The story highlights how different stages of emotional intelligence and cognitive dissonance impact individuals and encourages questioning of gender roles and reflection on personal growth. The mobile-optimized format provides an interactive and immersive experience with impactful and expressive illustrations and animations. The visual design humorously reveals the characters’ motivations in a caricatured yet tangible way, emphasizing the story’s core message. Through compelling storytelling and engaging presentation, “Falling through” challenges societal norms and offers a unique reading experience.

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
  • Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des. Cornelia Haas