
Marvin Tramp

Bachelor Communication Design

As designers, we act as identity creators and communication enablers and can therefore play a significant role in society as a whole. With my projects, I am therefore always trying to tell inspiring stories and to create real added value.


A digital platform for generative, audio-visual animations to reduce everyday stress

With my bachelor project, I am giving new meaning to generative design by harnessing it in a way that has direct social relevance. With the support of experts in psychology and scientific surveys, I am creating unique generative particle animations that are abstracted representations of natural movements. These animations, enriched with soothing ambient sounds, have the potential to reduce everyday stress – professional, academic, and personal – in innovative ways. In addition, I try to increase accessibility to these animations by developing a memorable branding with diverse touchpoints for the open-source platform on which they are presented and shared. In summary, I am creating a universally applicable, stress-relieving resource for the digital age.

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
  • Second Examiner: Prof. Dr. phil. Lars C. Grabbe