
Sam Römer

Bachelor Media Design

Hey! I’m Sam. What fascinates me most about design is expressing complex emotions, mediating between people with different perspectives and life situations ‒ or sometimes just to cause a smile. I’m open to any medium and always looking for something new and exciting!

Almost Over

A comic time capsule

A time capsule of a dying world. Thousands of meteors shoot towards the earth from all directions. The world population is preparing for the upcoming apocalypse, but in the last moment before impact, time is mysteriously frozen. Now, everyone continues to live in this still frame — with death looming over them. What does the ever-present death bring to light in the individual? What grows and what breaks?

„Almost Over” is a philosophical examination of the fear of death and a world in which everyone’s own finitude is radically brought to the forefront. For me, this project was an exciting experimental exploration of the comic medium. The conscious abandoning of the comic-book-form enabled me to search for the optimal way to illustrate the four modular short stories. My goal was not only to wander off into horror, but also to create a humorous perspective on the serious topic through funny perspectives.


Much love to everyone who accompanied me along this crazy and wonderful project <3

  • First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
  • Second Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Felix Scheinberger